Scripture Reading - Matthew 18:23-27

23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.
24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.
25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.
26 The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. KJV

In these scriptures we notice that debt was a problem dating all the way back to bible days (2,000 years ago). This is why God gave us scriptures to show what could ultimately happen when debt is owed without payment. Having a financial debt is not a good thing and for that reason we (ihlcc) advised all people to steer clear of debt as much as you can because the owner of the debt has a legal right to make your life very difficult while you owe them the debt. In this example the lord (owner, king) of the debt had the right to sell the man, his wife and his children to payoff the debt. I am sure the person who borrowed the money never thought he could lose his freedom and the freedom of his family. Debt has a way of keeping people in bondage for much longer than they anticipated. The amount of “ten thousand talents” is approximately “ten million dollars” in today’s American currency, which is a lot of money. A key to understand with financial debt is that the owner (lord, company, financier) wants the whole “payment to be made’ as stated in verse 25 or at least “payments to be made” until the debt is paid-off. However, upon hearing the sentence of judgment upon himself and his family the borrower cries out for mercy (and the Lord hears his cry), but not just for mercy alone but he openly states I will pay you all if you can be patient with me. Seeing the anguish of soul on the borrower brings God on the scene because the servant was sincere. We know the Lord intervened because it states, “the owner of that debt was moved with compassion” and this Compassion is the Spirit of the Lord. The moving with compassion encourages us to only do business with compassionate people because all those who are not compassionate will be moved by the love of money and the law. The law gives the owner of the account the option to sue you for confiscation of your goods and/or services. Notice first that the God of Love touched the man’s heart, then the debt collectors loosed him (un-cuffed, released their physical hold upon him, unbound him, etc….). After that the owner “forgave the debtor”, yes the whole debt. Although “debt forgiveness” is seldom practiced in the world system we (ihlcc) have seen that the “cancellation of debt” is more common among Christian circles. This is possibly because the Lord of compassion (the God of Love) moves more freely inside the spirit filled believer, so the expression of “debt forgiveness” has more open manifestation among the Children of God. The world system doesn’t like “debt forgiveness” because it is a lost of money proposition for them which speaks against their profit making business practices. So don’t expect them to “forgive a debt” that is owed unless they have to (bankruptcy, death of borrower, no income, loss of job, etc….) and even under some of those circumstances Angela and I have seen certain agencies still not relinquish the debt owed. So be wise as serpents by not getting into the debt in the first place and harmless as doves if someone doesn’t want to “forgive you of a debt” owed to them, please stay calm and don’t take it personally. Simply believe God to increase you more and more and children to pay off the debt as-soon-as-possible in Jesus Name. We serve a great and mighty God who delights Himself in showing Himself strong/mighty/prosperous to those who call upon His Name for help (salvation, deliverance, debt relief). Amen!